IPA (Alcohol)
100% Pure IPA (alcohol)
Recommended: To use in alcohol dampening system machines along with the anchor fountain solution
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- for CTP/ CTCP plates dilute and use with care
- gently cleans under developed plates coating from nonimage area
- provide scum & trouble-free printing
- strongly recommended for alcohol dampening machines f0r high-speed printing machines.
- It helps to reduce the usage of Alcohol,
- low foaming type.
Water Base Cleaner
Water base cleaner is ideal for cleaning water base coating from rollers and
blanket, gives excellent results and saves printing roller from damages.
Excel Brown
Plate cleaner XL Brown gently cleans printing plates and removes scum,
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Anchor FRL 2351
Anchor highly concentrated fountain solution,
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CTP Developer
CTP Plate Developer
Its suitable for the development of latest technology CTP, Plates.
Pure Arabic Solution
Arabic Gum Solution
Pure Arabic Gum Solution, suitable for long plate storage
SPR Plate Gum Liquid
Plate Gum Liquid issued for short to medium terms storage of PS Plates, recommended for routine gumming & daily use in the printing room, makes plate water receptive & helps scum-free printing.
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